provider of information & inspiration
Malayna Dawn
Muse, Guide, Cheerleader —she inspires using symbolism, stories and metaphor—
encouraging people to explore their world inside and out.

My most recent project:
Flrysh: Eco-Information and Inspiration
For a selection of pieces published by The Daily Om, click here : www.malayna-dawn.com/articles
Also check out:
For Whole Life Times
For 13 Minutes Magazine
For Asians of mixed descent in America
For Adoh! Magazine
Satisfying Curiosity in Sri Lanka
For Her Business Magazine
For Business Women in New Zealand
For Unity.org
For Young Asia Television

Fusing world culture, pop culture and the power of spirit, Malayna focuses on making connections that make life deeper, juicier and more fun.
Click any of the above for more information, or peruse this list of gallery articles she created for Beliefnet.com:
​​Star Wars Inspires Creativity and Sharing
Playlist for Forgiveness and Gratitude
Natural to Supernatural and Back!
Fairy Godmothers and Spiritual Mentors
The School of Life is Always in Session
Busting the Myth of the Lone Hero
Dreambuilding Lessons from Movies
​Grouchy? Vent Vicariously with Classic Grumps
Open Letters to Oscar Night Standouts
Lessons Hidden in Award Ceremonies
Songs for New Beginnings: An Eclectic Playlist
with a music video playlist on YouTube!
Hollywood Enlightened: Spiritual Films
12 Powers On Screen and In You
12 Life Lessons from Ellen’s Epic Oscar Selfie
Weddings with Pop Culture Spirit
​Travel Destinations Inspired by Fiction
Prayer for Intellectuals, Naturalists and Realists
Lessons from Robin Williams and Suicide