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Real Steps to Confront Racism- Thoughts on Talks #BLM special episode

Real Steps to Confront Racism- Thoughts on Talks #BLM special episode

Salaam Thompson joins Rev. Mike and Malayna once again, this time to share an event from his life -- #ShoppingWhileBlack at a local Ralph's supermarket. He and his family have been treated extremely unjustly and gotten no response to their attempts to communicate by phone, email or legal means. Together we planned real steps that we can take together as a community to remedy the situation and bring about the vision of a world that works for all. HEARTLESS RALPH'S BANS BLACK FAMILY FOR LIFE from ALL Ralph's and Food4Less supermarkets on threat of arrest without reason, proof or recourse. We invite you to join us in prayer and in action steps around the idea that the right people get this information within this structure and it is addressed in a respectful and meaningful way. #aworldthatworksforall #interfaithsolidarity #blacklivesmatter #consciousantiracism Read or download the transcript at See letters and other information for action at ---------------------------------------------- The Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and help make the world a better place. We extend a warm welcome to all people in search of a spiritual community where they are embraced, affirmed and accepted for who they are, as well as inspired and supported to grow into their highest potential. Visit us, the Center with Heart:
Inauguration Day - ep 48 - Thoughts on Talks

Inauguration Day - ep 48 - Thoughts on Talks

Join Rev. Mike McMorrow, Malayna, and Salaam Thompson as they talk about Inauguration Day firsts, The People's, and the new movie "One Night in Miami" -- kudos for Regina King, and background info on the Nation of Islam. They discuss how advertising and marketing are responding to the Black Lives Matter movement, getting Colin Kapernick a medal and restoring the career of Jemele Hill, the Black American ESPN reporter who got fired for calling out white supremacy. (She's starting a media empire now!) And an ode to Amanda Gorman, the poet from West L.A. whose "The Hill We Climb" inspired us all on Inauguration Day. We've got work to do! Participate in The People's Inauguration at Sign one of these petitions for Colin: Check out Jemele's new podcast network on Spotify: More info on Amanda Gorman and the text of her poem: ---------------------- Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and help make the world a better place. We extend a warm welcome to all people in search of a spiritual community where they are embraced, affirmed and accepted for who they are, as well as inspired and supported to grow into their highest potential. Visit us, the Center with Heart:
Black Lives Matter Deeply - Ep 45 - Thoughts on Talks

Black Lives Matter Deeply - Ep 45 - Thoughts on Talks

Dec 9, 2020 - ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY EPISODE!!! With SPECIAL GUEST!! Scott Bowman, PhD -- Assoc. Professor at Texas State University in the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology AND Malayna's friend from their teen days in the Youth of Unity! Scott was raised in AZ, and lived in Los Angeles for a while. They discuss with returning co-host Salaam Thompson, and da Rev. Mike McMorrow about what needs to be done next as we shift the society to really understanding how to express the belief that Black Lives Matter throughout the structures and customs of our country. Rev. Mike kicked us off with the Sunday talk topic of the Shadow, so appropriate as we deal with the shadow of inequity in America. Malayna pointed to a TED talk from Kedra Newsom Reeves - "How to reduce the wealth gap between Black and white Americans. Scott talked about Starsky & Hutch (when prompted by Malayna, who loves that story) and how the conversations in academia have shifted dramatically. (He'll probably have to re-edit his 2 volume textbook - Color Behind Bars: Racism in the U.S. Prison System -- hopefully many positive edits will soon be needed.) To celebrate the anniversary episode, Salaam shared this link to TonyToni Tone "Anniversary" And more! And info and action-packed episode! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and help make the world a better place. We extend a warm welcome to all people in search of a spiritual community where they are embraced, affirmed and accepted for who they are, as well as inspired and supported to grow into their highest potential. Visit us, the Center with Heart:
Flrysh on Light It Up Wednesdays - July 15, 2020

Flrysh on Light It Up Wednesdays - July 15, 2020

How can we be eco-centric and flourish while the pandemic and Black Lives Matter are reshaping our world? Rev. Deanna Joseph of Unity of Yucaipa interviews Malayna Dawn about Flrysh and eco-centricity during their Light It Up Wednesdays series on Facebook Live. Here, in this YouTube version for Flrysh, Malayna has added some notes! Links shown and mentions include:- THE VALLEY HIVE @thevalleyhive- ERIN RILEY of Hope Gardens Landscaping -, @yourHopegarden- LACITYSAN.ORG - for compost bins and classes and other programs. Monsanto boycott list: Glass v plastic: Pop Conscious - TOPANGA - - RON FINLEY, Gangster Gardener- URBAN FOOD DESERTS - URBAN TREE CANOPY - WATERSHED PROTECTION -!- BIONEERS - - Thanks, Rev. Deanna! --------------Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and help make the world a better place. We extend a warm welcome to all people in search of a spiritual community where they are embraced, affirmed and accepted for who they are, as well as inspired and supported to grow into their highest potential. Visit us, the Center with Heart:

Thoughts on Talks and Flrysh are hosted by the Center for Spiritual Living in Granada Hills, California. Learn more at  (Malayna built their website, too...)

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The Totally (TOtLE) Positive News program was created by Turning On the Light Entertainment in partnership with Empower Music and Arts.  Malayna hosted segments as "The News Muse".

: Pop Conscious on Unity Online Radio

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Pop Conscious created in partnership with Unity Online Radio. (Check out their archived shows, where Pop Conscious falls alphabetically between my Flrysh partners and Posi partners!)

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